Monday, May 11, 2009

A Day In The Life...

A day in my life (in pictures!)...

It all begins with a walk through the glorious old hutong.

Check out the bicycle utes!

After the walk, I hit the subway! Dongsi Exit B...

Why don't Aussie train stations look like this?

The queue for the escalators is the same everyday. Wake up people! its not a magic stairway, it's a bloody escalator!

Ahh, the benefits of getting off the train at the end of the line!

Its about a 10 minute walk for the subway to my school. In Beijing, the 'Permit to Park Anywhere' is considered a basic Human Right!

"Yi, Er, San... PUSH!" After 10 months, i am no longer shocked by bizarre acts. These guys were actually trying (successfully I might add!) to push start a fully loaded 3 tonne truck!
My School's front entrance. Classic Chinese design, if you don't know where it is, and how to find, then you're not welcome!

Disabled students need not apply.

Who needs teachers when you have TV!

The staff room. And the irrepressible local teachers, Seven, Nyah and William. Don't panic, Nyah is actually very tall, she's just sitting down.

My Favourite class. Learning how to colour in and cut out... er... in English!

Shy kids. Charlie, Eric, Frank, Simon, and the lovely Hannah at the back. After saying my final farewells to them yesterday, Hannah came running back in, gave me a hug and said, "Teacher, I miss you!" I tell you what, the pollen count was outrageous at that moment, because my eyes were watering badly!

Frank my absolute favourite student, giving me the stink eye after I told him off for being naughty.

Frank just can't control himself!

Not a happy camper. Eric lost the place all together after a run in with Frank. Not that I take sides, but Frank got a sticker and Eric got told to HTFU
Well, that's pretty much what my life (on work days) has looked like for the last 10 months!!
What a great life! I'll be sorry to leave this place.


Teresa said...

What a great entry, Al! You really will miss us, won't ya? ha Working at EF is great because of the students and it's why I've stuck around for so long! Your students are going to miss you so much! May you have many wonderful adventures ahead of you!

nyah said...

Well, This is our favourite class, and also it's a special class!In other people's eyes, this may be a naughty class and some kids are crazy and hard to control, but for Alan and me, we have known every kid very well and have found a way to get on well with them and teach them! I love Eric, Hannah, Charlie... I will miss them and won't forget them! Of course, And Alan, my best co-teacher!ha

Dash said...

mate, classic entry. special respect to the boys and the dump truck...BUT