Friday, June 19, 2009


Hello dedicated followers of Alan. It would appear that the Government has decided to block just about every decent website available. That's right I said decent, so youtube and blogger are blocked, but facebook is ok!

With the help of a proxy server i'm able to post this, but alas, the proxy doesn't give me full functionality and so I can't post photos! and so, i just can't get motivated to tell you about my travels to Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Shangri La, Chengdu, Songpan, Langmusi, Lanzhou and Xining, without being able to show you the photos.

However, I will tell you about my non-visit to Xiahe, a wonderful Tibetan Lamastry village that despite my best efforts and thanks to the wonderful efficiency and helpfullness of Chinas Finest, I DID NOT visit.

But not now. I am planning on heading back to Sichuan with Skye next week, and i really don't need any dramas, especially as the police took photocopies of my passport.

I know, I know, you think i'm paranoid. But remember i'm writing this post through a proxy server onto a banned website, oh and don't forget the incident with the pot (sorry Teresa, 'potted') plants. I'll post my stories when i'm back in Oz.

1 comment:

Dash said...

that sucks buddy, if you had access I would suggest you sign up to email posting, it can be really useful!

You and skye enjoy the rest of your time..maybe I'll catch you, but i think it might not work! Good luck!