Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beijing - a winter wonderland?

Anyone who followed this post last year will know by now that Beijing winters suck. They are cold, long and drier than a mouth full of sao's. However, this year is a little different; it's snowing!
That's right, there is moisture in Beijing, sure it's not in the air, that's still outrageously dry, but it's falling from the sky, and in buckets full. It's now been snowing for about two days... simply amazing! here's the pictures to prove it:

Of course, Beijing winter lasts about 5 months, so two days of snow won't change the overall description; winter here sucks. But at least this time around it has pockets of beauty!


Anonymous said...

wish I was there!

Isa said...

Welcome back to the blog-world, Al.