Tuesday, March 24, 2009


There is little doubt in my mind that every human being is aware of the suffering and pain that is caused everyday by powerful people, powerful companies and powerful institutions. Pain and suffering that could so easily be avoided if only the people at the centre of these 'powerful machines' opened their eyes, hearts and minds and decided that people and all the associated emotions, feelings, wishes and desires are more important than the dollar.

But this is a funny thing. Why do we sit back and wait for the these powerful few to take pity on us, wait for them to realise their mistakes. Why don't we stand-up and fight against them; buck their system; demand change; demand a better life for ourselves and our children?

Oh, that's right, they are too powerful; they call the shots.


It seems to me that power is not gained, it is given.

People, companies and institutions are powerful because we allow them to be. Whether it's your partner, McDonald's or the Government, the reason they have power is because we, the masses, give them that power. We allow them to dictate what we want and how we want it. We allow them to control our thoughts, desires and dreams. And in doing so, we make them powerful.

Then once we are depleted, we sit back, resigned to our 'destiny' and claim there is nothing we can do.


The problem is that we have been supplying power to the 'powerful' for so long that we have been sucked into their reality. A reality where personal wealth, safety and security are more important than the overall well-being of our fellow man. We may often get upset, angry and frustrated by the state of our world, but when push comes to shove, we look after ourselves first, after all, who would benefit if I make a protest and quit my job because of their unfair policies. No one, because I'm just one person, a single individual who is easily replaced.

You see, this is what they want you to think. This is how they continue to feed off our power. You are not living in isolation. You are part of a massive ecosystem, where your thoughts, words and actions are powerful. When you speak, people will listen. When you act, people will follow.

But here's the clincher - you MUST speak out, you MUST act.

Do not allow fear to get in the way of your conscience. And do not allow the powerful to exercise your power against you.

Only once we all realise this. Once we all break free from their spell, will we be able to create a world that we want and love.


Isa said...

So I guess you won't be going back to the bank then...? ;-P

But seriously, aside from your gender-biased use of the term "fellow man", I agree with you. Though living in a culture where the individual is subjugated for the greater benefit of the community, I can see that the issues are a little more complex...

al said...

I think the extra complexity comes from the rift between following traditional values and ensuring the community as a whole is well, and becoming more 'western' and making sure 'i'm' alright.

The problems start when 'i'm alright' becomes more important than 'we're alright'.

I'm not sure where Tonga stands, but I can see where Beijingers are headed, and where most of Australia has been for a while. and its sad.

Davieboy said...

I think that's your most militant blog so far. You've always been a bit more righteous than me; I'm all about my own clan and not much outside that.
Just remember Big Brother is always watching...

Wayne said...

I'd like to comment but the sauce from my filet-o-fish is dripping onto my IBM computer and I have order my wife to clean up this mess! Bullshit!!

Dash said...

very powerful thoughts there al. One can see it everyday here. And probably I will see it more at home when I get back, but people in Nepal are so afraid of those above them that they never complain and never question. Its infuriating.

And they think that I am weird for doing so.